Active Investment Management
With a portfolio of many companies and indices, there are often many times every month to scale out of winning positions and scale into longer-term positions that are down at the moment.
With Active Management, you receive this type of attention. Your manager will build cash to protect portions of your portfolio when appropriate. The overall market should not have to reach new highs for you to realize continued growth.
As with all investing, Active Management does not guarantee results.
Bridges Capital LLC serves private clients. We also launched an ETF listed on the Nasdaq to obtain tax-efficiency and allow others to participate in the process. If you would like to learn more and participate in the active process of Bridges Capital LLC, please review our ETF page.
Our Active Process Available to You
Bridges Capital Tactical ETF - BDGS
Interested in participating in our active investment process? We have sponsored, launched, and manage an ETF on the Nasdaq that gives you direct access to our process.
We reserve discretion in adding new tax clients to our practice. If you would like to have your taxes prepared by a CPA, reach out to learn how you can become a tax client.
Turner Financial Group Clients and Affiliates
Bridges Capital LLC has a business relationship with Turner Financial Group, Inc., whereas each company provides complementary services to each other.
If you are a client or affiliate of Turner Financial Group, please follow the link below: